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SHEEP 2023

 Feng Shui SHEEP 2023

The SHEEP enjoys a year full of triumphs & victories with the #1 star landing in your sector! In a year when relationships count for so much, you, being the ultimate charmer of the Zodiac, hold a lot of trump cards up your sleeve! Make use of your natural magnetism to win over friends & foes alike. Turn adversaries into comrades, and acquaintances into best friends! You just need to watch out for the Yin House, which can cause your energies to flag; and the Robbery Star, which brings risk of loss. Don’t burn the candle at both ends and watch your back with people you don’t know well. A lot to look forward to this year!



(1931 / 1943 / 1955 / 1967 / 1979 / 1991 / 2003 / 2015)

Goats have good wealth luck for 2023. Profits and financial gains could come from career advancements, recognition, promotions. Avoid any high-risk investments as they could backfire. It is a good year for wealth gain in general. Practice healthy financial management and separate some funds for any unexpected expenses this year. There are supportive stars for career advancement and promotions- but it comes at the cost of hard work. You receive unexpected assistance when needed, problems are solved- but not without their stressors. It is wise to keep good rapport with your superiors, colleagues and people you encounter. You may be getting noticed, rising the ranks, enjoying recognition or even fame. Your work could get attention on social media. It’s a great year for your reputation and credibility. You have inspiration, creativity, energy and motivation to do what you want. Especially beneficial for those working in sales & marketing. If you have your own business, there is support for business expansion and increase in profits. Do be careful of contracts, legalities, lawsuits and issues with documentation. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, and don’t over-promise. According to your feng shui forecast, Sheep who are 8, 20, 44, 80, and 68 years old have good success with money. You are now in a position to seize chances to improve your financial security and prosperity. Sheep aged 32 and 92 have neutral money luck. This implies that you are not in immediate financial danger and that things may even get better. 56-year-old Sheep have low wealth indicators. As a result, you need to be more cautious with your money and spending. Pay closer attention to your expenditures. Do not overspend or take significant financial risks. 

The key words are balance and moderation. There is good luck in finding romance for single goats this year, but consider your choices well. You want to avoid over-pleasing someone, exhausting more of yourself and your resources. This is a great year to pursue your own hobbies and interests. You might just be content staying single this year and focusing on yourself and your passions.
For committed goats, you have the Five Ghost influence visiting this year- could bring some emotional volatility, instability, suspicion towards your partner; just good to keep in mind if you’re feeling “off”.

There are some inauspicious stars visiting goats for 2023, but it is nothing that attentiveness and carefulness can’t handle. You want to maintain a healthy work-life balance to avoid overworking and depleting yourself.
Mental health plays an important role. You might feel a bit indecisive this year, at times emotionally unstable or volatile. It would be wise to implement regular meditative practices, therapy, breath work, tai chi, anything that will help keep your mental health in check. Careful with accidents and injuries, especially during exercise or physical activity. Also be careful with water-related injuries. Sheep aged 44, and 56 have good health ratings, while the 32 and 92-year-old have average health ratings. The 20, 68, and 80-year-old sheep have bad luck with their health, so take care of yourself and know your boundaries. Don't ignore your health or allow the stress to get the better of you. Be cautious rather than sorry about the health difficulties this year. Schedule regular exercise. Eat judiciously. Take time to rest. Those with demanding professions should find a method to sometimes unwind and take your mind off things.

CAREER & EDUCTAION: 20 years old - You will find it extremely helpful this year to ask for advice when you need it. Trustworthy friends will be invaluable this year, so don't reject their assistance if offered. The same is true for the elderly people in your life. Carry the Wisdom Pagoda With Scholastic Talisman, Manjushri Wisdom Stupa Amulet or Wisdom Pagoda Gold Talisman Card. 32 years old - Things aren't looking good for this Sheep in 2023. This is the year to keep learning about who you are, what you love, and what path you want to pursue in life. Do not rush; there is no hurry. The Cosmic Raven and the 3 Sheep On A Mountain "San Yang Kai Tai" are beneficial to this Sheep. 44 years old - Maintain company with those who can motivate you. Join a team or social group that inspires you to pursue new interests. Make some new, more challenging plans for yourself. 556 years old - You should put more effort into shaping your reality this year. Don't wait for someone else to start anything. Take responsibility for it. Make new acquaintances, bolster current relationships, and create a strong foundation for the future this year. The Sky Beaver Lunar Constellation Animal is beneficial to this Sheep. 68 years old - Think about picking up a hobby or developing an interest outside of work this year if you don't already have one. This will widen your network of friends and introduce you to a novel, fresh ideas. 80 years old - Keep a level head and avoid becoming unduly enthused about anything. You have time to explore thoughtful spiritual pursuits this year. In order to find real contentment in life, it's important to spend time with the various family members throughout the generations. 



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