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HORSE 2023

 Feng Shui HORSE 2023

The HORSE is extremely blessed in 2023 with excellent element luck & the Prosperity Star landing in your sector. Your confidence levels are high, especially if you surround yourself with supportive friends & family. You have a Yearly Conflict Star, but this is easily remedied with the right amulets. Don’t let discord of any kind spoil an otherwise excellent year. Wealth luck looks very promising, so turn your thoughts towards fruitful investments & building up a nest egg for the future.  Wealth luck looks very promising, so turn your thoughts towards fruitful investments & building up a nest egg for the future.



(1930 / 1942 / 1954 / 1966 / 1978 / 1990 / 2002 / 2014)

Horses will be presented with new opportunities this year, increasing their profits in return. You could be meeting a good financial mentor, or getting assistance from women at work. It is advised to manage your finances with a close eye and set aside some money for unexpected expenses. Avoid being pushed into any dubious investments. If you are involved in politics, you might experience some difficulty when it comes to promotions or recognition. Overall, you have the courage, power and opportunity to support hard work and concrete steps toward success. Horses aged 21, 45, 69, and 81 should use this year to build money and make investments as you have good wealth luck. Horses aged 33 to 93 have neutral money luck. This indicates that you are safe from financial distress for the time being. Horses aged 57 should avoid gambling or wasting good money on dubious investments. Reduce your expenditures to a minimum. Do not waste money trying to keep up with friends. Before putting money into the market, be sure you have done your research and analysis. 

This is an excellent year for Horses when it comes to romance. You have Peach Blossom luck, helping you to make and build long-term relationships and positive connections. For horses already in relationships, you can experience your bond strengthening, there might be a commitment or marriage. For single horses, this could be the year you find your soulmate, or someone who you form a long-term connection with. To take advantage of this romance luck, you should be putting yourself out there and attending social events.

Nothing major in terms of health going on for horses this year. Remember to keep things in balance and practice healthy eating and regular exercise to avoid health imbalances. Keep an eye on cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, gastrointestinal and respiratory health. It is important that you keep your mental health in check- you may experience some stress this year, and how you deal with it will be important to avoid it manifesting into a physical imbalance. Therapy, meditative practice, breath work, tai chi, find what helps you manage your stress and mental health. Horses aged 45 and 57 have good health luck, while the 33 and 93-year-old have average health ratings. The Health luck of the 9, 21, 69, and 81-year-old Horse is poor, so take care of yourself and know your limits. Take care of your body, and don't ignore any warning signs, no matter how busy you are. Get your beauty rest even if you don't feel tired; health problems are difficult to reverse once they've set in.

CAREER & EDUCATION9 years old - In the ensuing year, this youthful character is eager to do new things and acquire new talents; when it does, it achieves tremendous development. Carry the Wisdom Pagoda With Scholastic Talisman, Manjushri Wisdom Stupa Amulet or Wisdom Pagoda Gold Talisman Card. 21 years old – The year provides favorable conditions for seizing the chances that present themselves. But be mindful of your physical well-being. 33 years old - You benefit from the Prosperity Star #8, so any financial hardship you have is unlikely to be serious, even if your luck with money is modest. However, it should serve as a warning against taking unnecessary financial risks. 45 years old - Everybody wants to depend on someone like you because you always rise to the occasion. Your good fortune this year gives you the opportunity to take charge and make sure that anything you embark on has the best possible possibility of succeeding. 57 years old - This is a year in which you may advance well in whatever direction you choose. Avoid taking unnecessary chances with your money. The Sky Raven is beneficial to this Horse. 69 years old - There are some wonderful prospects on the horizon, but you must go cautiously. Don't assume that you are healthy. This year, try not to worry too much about things since your stress and concern are the greatest threats to your health. 81 years old- This is a problematic age due to health challenges. Pay closer attention to your health. Don't forget to pick up the occasional lottery ticket since some of you may find yourself suddenly flush with cash. You may be certain that you will have enough money to live comfortably this year, regardless of the source of that money. 


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