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 Feng Shui ROOSTER 2023

 The ROOSTER enjoys plenty of help from the heavens this year, imbuing you with excellent instincts to make all the right decisions. Listen to your intuition, even if it sometimes goes against apparent common sense. Your element luck indications help you a lot, with strong levels of life force and spirit essence giving you the strength to push through any obstacles which may arise. Stay protected against the 3 Killings with the 3 Celestials Mirror and guard against the Natural Disaster Star with the Ksitigarbha Plaque.



(1933 / 1945 / 1957 / 1969 / 1981 / 1993 / 2005 / 2017)

Not much going on cosmically for wealth for Roosters this year. You may need to work harder and make your money using your sheer skills and capabilities. Seek out your opportunities to do what you do best. You really have to put in the grind this year to achieve your goals and see any results; don’t fall behind! You may have a tendency to spend unnecessarily, or on things you do not actually need. Beware of big expenses that could leave you with a long-term impact. Avoid volatile investments (stocks, shares, cryptocurrencies) as well as gambling. Practice budgeting and keep a firm grip on your finances. This could be the year you change jobs or departments at work, this change could be just what you need. Be open to any hurdles or obstacles you may encounter, as they will enrich your experience. There may be increased travel for Roosters this year- whether it is a business trip or more frequent commutes. Feng shui forecast predicts that Roosters aged 18, 30, 54, 78, and 90 have fortunate element money luck. You're in a good position to capitalize on forthcoming increases in income and wealth. Only the 66-year-old Rooster should exercise caution with money and investments. Your wealth luck is poor. Be careful with your money, keep an eye on your spending, and avoid taking unnecessary chances with your assets. For 42 years old Roosters, your fortune is average, so you should be careful with spending. Stay away from investments and other financial gambles. 

Peach blossom luck is neutral. You might meet someone, however they’re likely to not be the right person for you, or it won’t last long. You might not have much luck this year changing your single status. You can put yourself out there by going to social events and this could increase the chances of love coming to you rather than you searching for it.
For roosters who are already in relationships, you will have to give extra care and attention to your bond this year. Practice good, open communication and separate some time to spend with your loved one. This also applies to the family life.
Socially, you may experience pettiness from people around you; you should focus on yourself and not mind what they say. Be socially active and open to making new connections and friends.

Health aspect looks good. You may find that your health will ebb and flow with the climate changes this year. Such as when the weather gets cooler, you may catch colds or respiratory infections. There is also possibility of meeting with natural disasters- hurricanes, typhoons, flooding. Always check the weather before traveling and prepare accordingly. Double check your insurances and be extra vigilant this year. The health of roosters aged 6, 18, 66, and 78 is rated as excellent, while that of a rooster aged 54 is rated as average. The 30, 42, and 90-year-old Roosters have bad health luck, so take better care of yourself. This year, it's important to pay attention to your health and strike a better balance in your life and not overwork yourself to the point of burnout.

CAREER & EDUCATION: 18 years old - T- The sky's the limit for what you can do if you put your mind to it. Seize the day when it arrives. You shouldn't worry about taking on too many responsibilities. The more you take on, the more successful you will be. Your sole concern will be inspiring envy among certain people. To avoid potential harm in this area, you should have the Anti Evil-Eye Amulet on your person at all times. 30 years old - Your health is not in good shape. You have divine luck on your side, so although you are generally a take-charge person, pause and listen to the messages the Universe is sending you this year. You shouldn't just go in headfirst. Wait before you respond. 42 years old - Remember that not everyone appreciates your type of humor and that you may need to tone it down a little. Put more thought into how you come across to others; you may have thick skin, but others may not, and connections will be very important in 2023. 54 years old - New endeavors and investments will meet with success this year. To prevent burnout, you should include time for relaxation and rejuvenation in your schedule. You have a powerful mind and a keen capacity for analysis, but your good sense might fog over if you don't get enough sleep. 66 years old - - Those dedicated to creating a pleasant family unit will experience greater happiness than those fervently pursuing professional or financial achievement. The Feng Shui Cosmic Raven is beneficial to this Rooster. 78 years old - You've already had a very eventful life, but you can always go on more adventures if you want to. However, given your age, it might be prudent to dial down the enthusiasm and enlist the assistance of others younger than you. At your age, you should concentrate on spending time with the family and pursuing whatever attracts your attention. 



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