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In 2025, the Three Killings affliction shifts to the East, bringing with it the risk of three types of misfortune: loss of wealth, loss of a loved one, and loss of reputation. To counter these harmful energies, it is essential to display the 3 Celestials Plaque in the East sector of your home or workplace.

Those living in East-facing homes or with bedrooms in the East are particularly vulnerable to the Three Killings and should carry the 3 Celestials Amulet for added protection.

Additionally, it is vital to avoid sitting with your back facing West this year, as this position directly confronts the Three Killings, which can bring serious danger.

Homes facing West are also at higher risk, as they sit in the afflicted East. To protect yourself, carry the Four Weapons Protection Amulet, which includes four strong protective amulets. This powerful talisman will help fortify your defenses against the adverse effects of this star.

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