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New Year's Love Ritual 

Finding the right partner can be tough, and many want to attract love, good love!
This particular ritual will help you speak to the Universe about sending you the correct person to cross your path this upcoming year.

Here is how you should conduct this quick Love Ritual:

1. Begin by cleaning the energy of your room and bathroom and repeat this cleaning once a month. Burn a bundle of sage and spread the smoke throughout the room and corners, also under the bed. Focus on the hidden spaces and behind the furniture. It is very important that the smoke reaches all the hidden spaces. This process will cleanse and clear stagnant energies from the past and anything that causes energetic obstacles. The potent properties of the sage will slowly clear any negativity and fears as well. Say positive affirmations during the process to promote positivism.

2. There are some specific scents to burn to attract love into your life. These will help raise the energy of love around you. Light these scents once a week in the southwest corner of your room and living room. The Ritual Love Bundle contains Ylang Ylang + Geranium + Rose + Jasmine + Sandalwood + Ginger. Burn one of each, following the instructions included.

3. Place crystals stones that carry vibrations of love (like ROSE QUARTZ) in your bedroom and /or the southwest corner of your living room. You can create a Spot/Altar in your bedroom with all these items. Display a framed photo of your loved one in the Southwest, if you want to improve your existing relationship, or portray the desired mate you want to attract and surround it with rose quartz stones and crystals.  Attract and activate more love energy by displaying Love symbols in your bedroom. Wear rose quartz or the two-eyed Dzi bracelet to help attract a mate.Find all the tools your need for this ritual below

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