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 Simple Feng Shui Fixes for your Bedroom you need Now


An unbalanced bedroom can affect your life in different ways, such as your health, relationships, and finances. Arrange your furniture to create a positive flow of energy and display influential symbols to manifest and support your goals.

The bedroom is where we choose to rest, relax, and take a step back from the routine. It is very much like a sanctuary within the home. So maintaining good and positive energy is often the key to creating the right environment for this purpose.
There might be some Feng Shui fixing to do in your bedroom and you can find out which you need to look for in our cures below.

Simple Bedroom Feng Shui fixes you can do now:

  • Remove TV, computers and devices. Feng Shui energy is destroyed with EMF’s. Removing or fixing is the first step. If the TV is important, you can place Tourmaline stones next to it to protect your health and sleep from radiation. Phone charging next to you is also a big no-no. Remove or fix it.

  • Freshen up the atmosphere. A good night’s sleep is equivalent to feeling fresh. Refresh the atmosphere in the by opening up the windows and light some fresh incense ( citrus, jasmine, lavender, geranium or bergamot)

  • Make sure your bed doesn’t directly face the door. If it does and there is no way you can move the bed, fix it!

  • Allow the flow of Chi. Make sure you can access all sides of the bed an all spaces in your bedroom, including underneath your bed, free the clutter. Messy bedrooms can mess with the flow of energy in the room, even if your furniture is set up for a positive flow of energy. Take some time to find storage spaces for all of your items to help keep the energy high for the perfect fêng shui bedroom.

  • Keep your bedroom well lit naturally. Positive energy is kept alive when good lighting and fresh air is being provided.

  • The bedroom above the garage: This layout causes a lack of a good foundation. A good feng shui cure is applying the Earth element creating grounding and stable energy in the room. Decor and paint using earth element and colors, Sandy, Beige and Taupe.

  • Bed Power Position: This is the best placement for the bed. You see the door but are not in direct line with the door. There is a solid wall behind your head.

Find all bedroom fixes and placements that may need cures below: 

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