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Double 9 Plaque for Period 9

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As we step into Period 9 on February 4th, 2024, the energy dynamics undergo a significant shift, with the number 9 taking center stage. This powerful number becomes a magnet for prosperity and enduring good fortune. To herald this change, there's no better way than activating the Double 9 stars, aligning them with either the facing or sitting palace of your home based on its orientation. The Double 9 Plaque is adorned with a pair of cranes, potent symbols representing aspiration, transformation, longevity, and immortality. On the reverse side of this plaque, a mirror is inscribed with a wish-fulfilling mantra, inviting an abundance of good fortune into one's life. Embrace the transformative energies of the Double 9 to usher in a period of enduring prosperity and happiness.

Metal Plaque measures 4" x 4"