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WOOD RAT (1924, 1984)

People born in the year of 1984 (Feb. 02, 1984 - Feb. 19, 1985) 


People born before Feb. 02, 1984, they belong to the zodiac animal of Water Pig.

People born in the Year of the Wood Rat are alert and curious. Their urge to achieve great deeds in life can sometimes put a Wood Rat into hazardous situations. Opportunistic and pragmatic at the same time, the Wood Rat has remarkable flexibility. Precise, astute, intelligent, but also passionate and anxious, the Wood Rat stands out by his prodigality and his flair for business. The Wood Rat can excel in any artistic field, provided he manages to persevere in his efforts. If faced with a job or a lifestyle that doesn't suit him, the Wood Rat can easily let himself wither altogether.

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