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Protect yourself while performing the Cleansing

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Protect yourself by wearing a pendant that deflects bad energy. The Mayan ball is a very powerful tool to deflect negative energy that may be coming towards you. Wear this Mayan ball over your heart during the cleansing process, particularly when you are moving energies. You can also use it whenever you want to deflect negative energy when interacting with people in a way that may make you vulnerable to psychological attacks.

Gazing pendant ball measure: 0.50" Diam

  • 5
    Great product

    Posted by Unknown on 27th Dec 2017

    The item has a good quality and it really works when you are doing the cleanse. I strongly recommend it

  • 5
    It REALLY works!

    Posted by Allison Dianne Caldwell on 5th Apr 2016

    Just this afternoon I cleansed the new business space we are moving into. As soon as I began the cleansing, I got the sensation of walking through spider webs, which is a sign of attack or interference. I realized I had forgotten to put on the Mayan necklace, so I immediately put it on and felt no more "spider webs" from that point on. I highly recommend this product.