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EARTH RAT (1948, 2008)

People born in the year of 1948 (Feb. 10, 1948 - Jan. 28, 1949) or 2008 (Feb. 06, 2008 - Jan. 25, 2009) belong to the Earth Rat.

For those born before Feb. 10, 1948 or Feb. 06, 2008, they belong to the zodiac animal of Fire Pig.

People born in the Year of the Earth Rat take great care in preserving their tranquility. Earth Rats also need to be reassured by a job remunerative enough to preserve their material comfort in old age. The Earth Rat is the most greedy and the most conservative of his peers. Highly intelligent, he excels in professions that require analysis and organization. Not as interested in the accumulation of money and riches of all kinds as other Rats, the Earth Rat nevertheless works to maintain cordial relations with those less fortunate than himself. Possessive, even stingy when material assets are involved, the Earth Rat may however, while he gets older, learn to appreciate the benefits of generosity.

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