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People born in the year of 1968 (Jan. 30, 1968 - Feb. 16, 1969)

For those born before Jan. 30, 1968, they belong to the zodiac animal of Fire Sheep.

The Earth Monkey is more discreet than his congeners. He's generally a scholar, and probably the most honest of the Monkeys, at least in appearance.

The Earth Monkey is a very good speaker and a born seducer, who takes great care of his appearance. Gifted for trade, excellent negotiator, one can often find Monkeys in real estate, perfumery, luxury trade, wine, cruises, or in finance and banking.

If the Earth Monkey can sometimes give the appearance of being disinterested, even generous, in reality he never loses sight of his personal interests. Like all Monkeys, the Earth Monkey always ends up recovering his investment in one way or another.

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