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The Importance of Bells in Feng Shui

Posted by Sarah @UFS on 13th Jan 2016

Hang Feng Shui Bells to Invite Good Fortune into your Home or Office!

It's amazing and maybe you won't believe it, but the sound of bells bring balance and healing to any environment! They work through the power of sound therapy which instantly breaks stagnant energy in any room. When the bell releases a sound through movement, it releases blockages of energy in our minds and in any space. It's very much like a wake-up call when the sound breaks through anything that is blocking energy from flowing freely. This works in your body and your spirit bringing a sense of peace into tense situations or moments in your life.

Ring a bell whenever you have gone through an argument, negative visits in your home, or when you are performing a cleansing ritual.

Feng Shui Bells and Symbolism

Feng Shui bells feature different symbolism to help with different types of situations. Once the sound is released, the symbol is activated. This is why it is recommended that you hang a Feng Shui bell from your main (or mostly used) entrance so that it is constantly making sound and clearing the space.

The most sought after symbols include prosperity, abundance, and protection, and when rung, these prominent symbols are put into action.

There are many motives, designs, and purposes you can hang by your entrance or any area you'd like to energize. These designs are very charming looking and will add a creative and colorful touch to anywhere you choose to hang them. However, the most common spots are entrances, office or store's main doors and bedrooms (in this case, look for marriage luck or love attraction symbols).


Bell Designs and their Meaning for your Spaces

Buddha Bells:
The Buddha has always been a symbol of good fortune anywhere it is placed. It is even more effective when  accompanied by the yin-yang symbol. 

Elephant Bells:
The elephant is associated with Buddha and the Indian deity Ganesh and can be used to symbolize power, wisdom, strength, protection of the home, fertility, and general good luck. 

Tiger Bells:
Tiger bells stand apart from other bells because of the peculiar design on the surface: A wonderful tiger’s head. This Asian style bell belong to the group of jingle bells as they have a hollow, globular shaped body in which a small pellet of metal or stone is held.

Turquoise Dragon Bells:
The Dragon symbolizes wealth, power and abundance of opportunities and it is a token of strong Yang energy. The turquoise color along with its amazing sound makes a powerful activator.

Double Carp Bells:
In feng shui, the symbolism of double fishes represents wealth and abundance. It is used to attract prosperity and wealth to home/office. Feng Shui Double
Fish are good choice when looking to create harmony in the family. These come in two colors and are attractive for any space at home.

Remember, bells should always be hung wherever they will be in constant movement. This is why we always recommend you to hang them on doors. Each time the door opens, the bell will activate and create stimulating yang energy (the energy of action, power, and fortune).

We recommend you tie these on the outside doorknob of your chosen entrance to invite these prosperous energies.