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TAI SUI 2025

Tai Sui 2025 Direction and Zodiac Signs in Conflict

In 2025, the Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) is General Wu Xi. Tai Sui is a powerful energy that changes annually, based on the 12 Earthly Branches of the Chinese Zodiac. In 2025, it occupies the southeast sector (specifically between 142.5° to 157.5° on the compass) as the ruling direction, aligned with the Snake sign (which governs this sector).

Important Facts About Tai Sui 2025:

  • Afflicted Zodiac Animals: The zodiac signs directly impacted by Tai Sui’s energy in 2025 are:
    1. Snake (Direct Conflict): Those born under the sign of the Snake are said to be directly in conflict with Tai Sui, often experiencing obstacles, challenges, and disruptions.
    2. Pig (Opposition): The Pig opposes the Tai Sui in 2025, which could bring difficulties, such as increased stress, misunderstandings, and disruptions in relationships.
    3. Monkey: Indirect clashes ( side-conflict) with Tai Sui may bring some disturbances, and it is advised for Monkeys to exercise caution in decision-making.
    4. Tiger: Indirect clashes ( side-conflict) with the Tai Sui, the Tiger is indirectly impacted and may encounter some unpredictable situations.

How to Mitigate Tai Sui's Influence:

  • Avoid Disturbing the Southeast: This is a key rule in feng shui. It’s recommended not to undertake mayor renovations, digging, as it may offend Tai Sui and bring misfortune.
  • Tai Sui Plaques or Amulets: Those affected by Tai Sui should carry a Tai Sui amulet or place a Tai Sui plaque in their homes (facing the Tai Sui direction) to pacify the Grand Duke and reduce any negative impacts.
  • Seek Support from Zodiac Allies: If your sign clashes with Tai Sui, you can enhance your luck by associating with zodiac signs that are compatible with you.




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