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Smoky Quartz is a Grounding and Anchoring stone, Relieves fear

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• Smoky Quartz is a grounding and anchoring stone
• Assists elimination and detoxification on all levels
• Relieves fear and lifts depression
• Alleviates suicidal tendencies
• Facilitates clearing the mind for meditation

Smoky Quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones and at the same time raises vibrations during meditation. This protective stone has a strong link with the earth and base chakras, promoting a concern for the environment and ecological situations. This stone is a superb antidote to stress. It assists in tolerating difficult times with equanimity, fortifying resolve.

Grounding spiritual energy and gently neutralizing negative vibrations, Smoky Quartz assists elimination and detoxification on all levels. It teaches you how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you.  

Psychologically, Smoky Quartz relieves fear, lifts depression and brings emotional calmness. It alleviates suicidal tendencies and ambivalence about being in incarnation. This crystal alleviates nightmares and manifests your dreams. When it comes into contact with negative emotions, it gently dissolves them.  

Mentally, Smoky Quartz promotes positive, pragmatic thought and can be used in scrying to give clear insight and to neutralize fear of failure. It dissolves contradictions, promotes concentration and alleviates communication difficulties. Smoky Quartz facilitates clearing the mind for meditation.

Meausure: 8mm Beads. Stretchable cord. AAA quality Smoky Quartz

  • 4
    feels great

    Posted by Nova on 5th Mar 2016

    I'm in the process of collecting all of these different energy bracelets I belive that they work and they also look nice.