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METAL ROOSTER (1921, 1981)

People born in the year of 1981 (Feb. 05, 1981 - Jan. 24, 1982) 

For those born before Feb. 05, 1981, they belong to the zodiac animal of Metal Monkey.

Hard on task, clever of his hands, perfectionist, obstinate and always punctual, the Metal Rooster is also very concerned about his appearance and the look of others. Dreams of glory and a thirst for wealth are the main fuel of his disproportionate ambition. His ego, his inhibition, and his clinical analysis of events, offer the Metal Rooster the regrettable ability to easily cool the feelings of his loved ones towards him. The Metal Rooster often considers a career in politics, social sciences, and any trades asking for strategic and organizational qualities. Smart and resourceful, he can also be rigid and stinging in his relationship to others.

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