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How to Gain Respect from others using Feng Shui

Posted by Sarah @UFS on 2nd Jan 2016

Feng Shui can help you gain respect from others.


Respect is something we should all have for each other. However, in certain competitive atmospheres, it becomes difficult to earn that respect from others, and requires us to work harder for that basic human right.

Fortunately, Feng Shui symbolism can help you out in these situations. There are certain cures you can utilize and Feng Shui guidelines you can follow in order to enhance your Fame and Reputation energy at home, and attract respect from others at your workplace.

1. The key color is Red.
A red carpet at the entrance, or red objects that you can place on your desk will empower the Fire element (Fame and Reputation element). Red cures are needed in this area to effectively activate this aspect.

2. Symbolism and Cures. 


One of the best cures to place in the South Sector (fame and reputation) of your home or office is the Red Throne. This wonderful and specially-designed bejeweled symbol will increase respect from others, with the color of Fire ruling in its design, it is prominent looking and notable. It also features a treasure chest to store wishes and resolutions.

The Red Tara is another important and powerful symbol to have near you at home or business to enhance your authority and respect from others.

3. What makes you important?

Display everything that you have accomplished, even the smallest things count. Display diplomas, awards, trophies and symbolism in the South Area of your home, office or office desk.